What’s brewing in the world of delivery management? At Sorted, we’re working on something special that combines clever technology with a healthy dose of environmentally friendly thinking. Let’s look at how we’re shaping the future of logistics with innovation and sustainability as our guiding principles.

Creating smarter delivery solutions

Tracking a parcel can be similar to solving a crossword puzzle. While real crossword puzzles appear to be enjoying a resurgence in popularity, we are actively pushing to make the world of post-purchase delivery much simpler. Our vision roadmap is full of exciting developments that’ll make managing deliveries a breeze. Take our ‘Sorted Suite’, for example. It’s not just a fancy name – it’s our way of gathering our cool tools under one roof.

Paul Hill, our Product Director, explains: “We’re not just adding new buttons to press. We’re thinking about what our customers will need tomorrow, next year and beyond. It’s about creating solutions that are cutting-edge but also practical and scalable.”

Some of the interesting features we’re working on include:

  • A unified, slick user interface for Ship (because who doesn’t enjoy a good makeover?)
  • Carrier direct flash (a fancy term for making it super easy to set up new carriers)
  • The mysterious-sounding ‘HERO mk II’ (we guarantee it’s as cool as it sounds).

Going green is more than just a trend

Now let’s talk about the elephant in the room: our planet. At Sorted, we’re not just jumping on the eco-bandwagon; we’re driving it. We’re integrating sustainability into the very fabric of our operations. How are we doing this? It’s not just about using less paper (although that helps). We’re thinking big:

  • Optimising delivery routes to reduce fuel consumption (good for the planet and the wallet).
  • Developing ‘flight modes’ for our systems, such as ‘economy mode’ to conserve energy.
  • Empowering our customers to make environmentally friendly decisions.

“Sustainability isn’t just a box we tick,” says Paul. “It’s a core part of our strategy. We’re helping our customers meet their green goals while still delivering top-notch service.”

Innovation meets sustainability

Here’s where things get really exciting. We don’t treat innovation and sustainability as separate goals; instead, we make them work together. Our roadmap is full of ideas that meet both criteria:

  1. Data dictionary and standardisation: By cleaning up our terminology and standardising our systems, we improve performance while reducing wasted resources.
  2. Carrier Integration System (CIS): This clever piece of technology simplifies the process of adding new carriers. Less hassle, less waste and higher efficiency.
  3. Working Days 2.0: A small feature with a big impact. By allowing users to accurately configure working days, we avoid those pesky bank holiday mishaps. Happy customers, fewer wasted journeys.
  4. Sorted Bundles: Our new credit system for all services. It’s adaptable, efficient and helps reduce over-provisioning. Good for business, good for the planet.

What’s next on the horizon?

Looking ahead, we have some seriously cool stuff in the works:

  • An integration app store (like the App Store, but for delivery tech)
  • A single-track engine shared across products (because why have many when one will do?)
  • Carrier self-integration tooling (spreading the love – and the workload).

Wrapping it up (in eco-friendly packaging, of course)

At Sorted, we are actively working to shape the future. By focusing on innovation and sustainability, we are developing cutting-edge solutions that are also kind to our planet.

So, the next time you’re tracking a parcel or choosing a delivery option, keep in mind the two pillars that will support logistics in the future. It’s all about using technology wisely and being environmentally conscious. And who knows? Maybe one day, your packages will be delivered by eco-friendly drones propelled by the sounds of delighted customers. (OK, maybe not – but we can dream, right?)

The future of delivery management is bright, green and very clever. And Sorted is thrilled to be leading the charge.

We invite you to join us on our journey of innovation and adaptation to our customers’ changing needs. Follow our blog for more insights and updates on our initiatives, and please contact us with any questions or feedback.