You come home after a long day. You’re excited about finding that package you’ve been waiting for, only to discover it’s vanished into thin air. ‘Porch piracy’ – the theft of parcels from doorsteps – has exploded in the UK, leaving millions of us feeling frustrated and vulnerable. We commissioned a survey about this topic in 2023, and the situation hasn’t improved.

Let’s talk numbers, and brace yourself – they’re not pretty. In the year to June 2023, reports of missing packages skyrocketed by a whopping 59%. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Since 2019, we’ve seen an eye-watering 500% increase in thefts nationwide. With online shopping now as British as tea and crumpets, protecting our deliveries has become a top priority.

Counting the cost

It’s not just the inconvenience that stings – it’s the hit to our wallets too. The average nicked parcel is worth £66.50, and last year alone, over £200m worth of goods were swiped from doorsteps across the country. That’s a lot of birthday presents, Christmas gifts and treat-yourself purchases going astray.

Yet, it’s not just us shoppers feeling the pain. Retailers and delivery companies are taking a beating too. Every stolen parcel chips away at customer trust and racks up costs for businesses. It’s a lose-lose situation. Or is it? What if we told you that simply improving how we communicate about deliveries could put a serious dent in this problem? It’s not just wishful thinking – it’s happening right now.

1. Real-time updates are your parcel’s personal bodyguard

Imagine getting a text that says, “Your parcel’s just around the corner!” Suddenly, you’re not leaving that package sitting pretty for the porch pirates. With real-time updates, you can time your homecoming to the minute, or ask a neighbour to pop round and secure your goods. It’s like having a virtual bodyguard for your deliveries.

2. Flexibility that puts you in the driver’s seat

What if you could tell your parcel where to go, even when you can’t be there? With flexible delivery options, you’re the boss. Reschedule to a day when you’re working from home, or direct your package to a secure pick-up point. It’s your delivery, your way.

3. Customer service superpowers

Picture this: you’re worried about a delivery, so you call customer service. Instead of the dreaded “I’m not sure where your parcel is,” you hear, “I can see it’s three streets away and will be with you in 10 minutes”. That’s the power of giving customer service teams real-time visibility. It’s theft prevention in action.

Happy customers, healthy business

Here’s a secret that smart retailers are cottoning on to: Preventing parcel theft is about protecting products and protecting relationships. A lost parcel is potentially a lost customer. But get it right, and you deliver the parcel, the happiness, trust and repeat business. The numbers speak for themselves. Businesses that have embraced proactive delivery communication have seen:

  • A 63% drop in “Where is my order?” (WISMO) queries
  • Skyrocketing customer satisfaction scores
  • More repeat purchases (because who doesn’t love a smooth delivery experience?)

The future is secure (and trackable)

As porch piracy continues to rise, the need for smart, secure delivery communication is clear. Yes, this is about keeping parcels safe, but it’s also about peace of mind, customer satisfaction and building trust in online shopping.

By investing in real-time communication systems, retailers prevent theft and revolutionise the entire delivery experience. It’s a win for customers, a win for businesses and a big, fat loss for porch pirates.

So, the next time you track a parcel, take a moment to appreciate the bigger picture. That moving dot on your screen symbolises a package, yes, but it also represents a cog in the wheel of a technological revolution. This wave of innovation is reshaping online shopping, enhancing security, streamlining processes and boosting satisfaction for consumers everywhere. Well, everywhere except in the world of would-be thieves, who’ll find their illicit activities increasingly challenging as this technology advances.

In the world of online shopping, knowledge is protection. And as we continue to tackle the challenge of porch piracy, it’s clear that better communication will play a crucial role in keeping our parcels – and our peace of mind – secure.

Ready to safeguard your deliveries? Learn more about how Track can keep your customers informed and protected with real-time, branded delivery updates.