In practically every industry, let alone SaaS development, effective internal communication is crucial for maintaining team cohesion and driving innovation. Here at Sorted, we’ve taken a novel approach to this challenge with the launch of a private podcast that leverages audio content to help keep our teams informed, engaged and connected.

Launched in July 2024, the show was conceived as a solution to improve internal comms, particularly (but not exclusively) for our remote employees. Shaun Weston, Sorted’s Senior Content & Communications Manager, has hands-on experience of the potential of audio content to deliver important updates and foster a sense of connection across a company’s diverse workforce.

“We wanted to provide an audio-only experience that could reach our employees wherever they are,” says Shaun. “The podcast enables us to share complex ideas and company culture in a more personal and accessible format.”

Our decision to invest in a podcast format aligns with growing trends in content consumption. Research shows that podcasts enjoy remarkably high engagement rates, with 80% of listeners consuming all or most of every episode they start. This level of engagement far surpasses that of traditional blog posts, where readers spend an average of just 37 seconds.

“The human voice adds a dimension to our communication that text alone can’t match,” says Shaun.

Content that resonates

In the two months since its inception, Sorted’s private podcast has produced 11 episodes, settling into an engaging format that’s concise, informative and easy to digest. The podcast covers a wide range of topics relevant to Sorted’s employees:

  1. Welcome episodes featuring interviews with new starters
  2. Explanations of company changes and updates
  3. Highlights of ongoing projects
  4. Discussions about the company’s vision and direction.

For instance, recent episodes have included chats with new Sales Development Representatives about their roles and experiences, as well as deep dives into technical projects like Power BI implementations.

Rather than adhering to a strict schedule, Shaun’s approach prioritises relevance and timeliness of content. This ensures that information is delivered when it’s most pertinent to the team.

The podcast also features guest appearances from employees across different departments, providing a platform for team members to share their expertise and experiences. This inclusive approach helps to break down silos and foster a sense of unity across the organisation.

Overcoming challenges

While the podcast has been well received, Shaun acknowledges that there have been challenges. Engagement is still growing, and some employees are hesitant to participate as guests due to discomfort with hearing their own voices.

“I anticipated some technical and participation challenges,” says Shaun. “But I see these as learning opportunities rather than roadblocks. I’m constantly working to make the production process smoother and to encourage more team members to share their voices.”

To encourage participation, the show’s format has incorporated interactive elements, such as a company playlist on Spotify that guests can contribute to. This feature has proven popular, serving as both an icebreaker and a way to end episodes on a light note.

Part of a broader strategy

Our private podcast doesn’t operate in isolation. It’s part of a broader internal communications strategy, working in tandem with other channels such as email newsletters and team meetings. The podcast content often spawns ideas for blog posts and social media updates, creating a virtuous cycle of content creation that reinforces key messages across multiple platforms.

And Shaun has ambitious plans for the show: “Our goal here at Sorted is for the podcast to become a benchmark communications tool. We want it to be an indispensable part of how our employees stay informed, educated and connected to our company culture. An experience you feel rather than a service you consume.“

As the show continues to evolve, it stands as a testament to our commitment to innovation, not just in the products and services we deliver, but in how we nurture company culture and the fantastic people that make everything come together. By leveraging the power of audio content, we are creating a more connected, informed and engaged workforce – essential ingredients for success in the competitive world of SaaS.

Through initiatives like our private podcast, we’re stretching the edges of what it means to truly be a forward-thinking, employee-centric organisation. As the podcast grows and develops, it will undoubtedly play an increasingly important role in shaping our internal comms landscape and company culture.