Changes to your returns portal payments

November and December 2023

You’ve received an email from us because you have access to the Sorted returns portal (previously powered by Clicksit).

There’s an important change happening to your account. To ensure no disruption to your customers, please read on and take the necessary action before 30th of January 2024.

What is the change to my account?
As of the 30th of January 2024, all our customers will be required to pay a monthly subscription fee to use the Sorted returns portal, as well as the usual label usage costs.

Why is the change happening?
While we understand that this change may not be welcome news for all of our customers, this business decision has been made to ensure we can continue providing the best possible service to meet the needs of our customers.

What is the subscription cost?
Going forward, subscription pricing for users with one portal will be in accordance with your monthly label usage and the number of portals you have. The subscription fees are as follows:

  • 0-100 labels per month – £50 per month subscription fee
  • 101-300 labels per month – £100 per month subscription fee
  • 301-3500 labels per month – £150 per month subscription fee


  • Label costs

Or, if you’re a user with multiple portals, subscription fees are as follows:

  • £50 per month per master portal account


  • £50 per month for each portal in use
  • Label costs

For example, customers with one portal using 75 labels per month will pay £50 per month, plus the carrier costs for each label that they use.

As another example, a user with three portals would pay £50 per month for their master portal, £150 for additional portals (i.e. £50 per portal in use), plus the label costs for each label that they use. The total in this example would be £200.

If you require multiple portals to serve different brands under the same account, please contact support and they will be more than happy to discuss requirements, provide prices, and get you up and running.

The fees above are in addition to any Shopify usage fees. Customers using both the standalone Sorted returns portal AND the Shopify Sorted Return Center app will continue to use, and pay for, their Shopify access separately.

Do I need to do anything? If so, when is the deadline?

To continue using the Sorted returns portal you will need to have set up your monthly subscription payment no later than 23:59 (GMT) on 29th of January 2024.

To continue using the Sorted returns portal you will need to have set up your monthly subscription payment no later than 23:59 (GMT) on 29th of January 2024.

If you wish to continue using our returns portal, then please follow this link to sign up. The link will take you through to set up your subscription using a payment card (Credit and Debit cards are accepted with the exception of American Express) for your subscription fee and label fee payment. You will need to enter your registered contact email address.

If you no longer use or require the portal, please ignore this email and your account will be removed.

What will happen if I don’t set up my subscription fee payment?

To ensure continuity of your access to the portal, customers have until the 30th of January 2024 to set up subscription fee payments. After 30th of January 2024, the free version of the portal will be out of service and will no longer be accessible to you or your customers.

If you are leaving the service you are advised to remove the URL from your website, so your consumers do not attempt to call a label.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to message us on live chat or email us.