Why retailers and brands choose Sorted
How it works
Our shipment tracking engine aggregates and enhances all of your delivery and returns tracking information in one place. Keep customers informed and engaged with automated updates, customise branding, and resolve escalations by monitoring performance.
Explore our Track solution
View all your shipments in one place, across all of your carriers
Your logistics and customer service teams can see what deliveries are on track, and which ones need attention. Act fast before your customers realise there’s an issue.
Provide your customers with a self-serve tracking timeline
Create branded tracking pages that work across any device and display multi-shipment orders. Customise them with your brand and promotions to drive upsell while reducing WISMO. No code needed and you can set them up in minutes!
Send emails your customers will actually open
Completely customise emails that reflect your brand and provide upsell opportunities while reducing “Where is my order”. Sorted open rates sit around the 75% mark whereas retail open rates for marketing emails often sit well below 20%.
Optimise your customer delivery updates with SMS
Choose when to text customers with delivery status updates. Delivery success rates can be boosted with an “Out for delivery” notification.
Want to know the cost?
We take a modular approach to Track pricing, making sure you only pay for features you need.
Drop some details into this short form, and we’ll be in touch to talk through your module choices and the cost breakdown.
Looks for trends in your shipping performance
Keep an eye on your customer promise success rates and whether your parcels were delivered early, on time or after the promise date. Protect your customer promise and be prepared for your carrier SLA and contract conversations.
Serve customers tracking updates in your native app, website, or comms channels
Keep customers right where you want them and within your brand with Sorted’s embeddable tracking API. You can also embed our API in your chatbot processes, reducing your cost to serve as well as your WISMO.
Get shipment tracking updates directly within your chosen platforms
Want to view all your shipments in your CRM? Pass real-time updates to your chosen platforms making your automation and automation simple for all your teams.
Sorted customers
We are always looking to provide a better online experience for our customers, and understood that there was a need to communicate more frequently with them from the point of order through to delivery.
Our partnership with Sorted has been extremely valuable in helping us navigate the challenges we face as a growing online business.