Reduce broken promises & cut your order to contact ratio

Here’s how flexible carrier services, automated labels and smart allocation rules can help you keep your delivery promises.

Courier successful delivery

With each WISMO (where is my order) customer contact sometimes costing between £4 and £6, it’s an expensive problem to have. And, when CX is the primary differentiator, retailers can’t afford to break customer delivery promises.

Reduce outage and disruption risk

Make sure you can flex services when required, to avoid disruption and meet your customer delivery promises. Sorted doesn’t just give you access to around 1000 carrier services, but also gives you robust manifesting tools with safety net features that help you avoid delays and carrier fines. Carrier experts ensure our integrations always work smoothly, so you don’t need to worry about things going wrong.

Sorted shipment dashboard screen

Automatically generate compliant labels and documents

Quickly generate carrier compliant labels that are up to scratch, without having to request them from your carrier. With Sorted you can also automatically generate your customs documentation, saving you time and effort, and avoiding international shipping issues or delays. Keeping your customer promise protected.

Shipment label

Party Delights

“Nothing about Brexit is easy, but Sorted manage customs declaration uncertainties and handle the flow of information between us and the carriers which makes everything a lot smoother.” Read the customer story.

Julie Dietz,
Operations Director, Party Delights

Only make delivery promises you can keep

Protect your NPS scores by only surfacing accurate delivery options and timescales to your customers. Sorted’s real-time service availability checks ensure you only allocate to services that can meet your customer promise, while smart rules ensure your shipments are automatically sent to the right services. Allocating based on cost, weight and size is a breeze and even dangerous goods management becomes simple.

Zala delivery options

See how leading retailers and brands are using delivery and carrier management software to reduce broken promises and cut their order to contact ratios

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